“I Hope You Know You’re Lucky” Live at the MOP Top Prize Party

I’m so honored “I Hope You Know You’re Lucky” was voted number 2 on the Music of Pittsburgh (MOP) Society Top 40 for 2022. Tonight, I was invited to play at the MOP Top Prize Party, and it was so much fun. “I Hope You Know You’re Lucky” Live at the MOP Top Prize Party…

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NaNoWriMo and New Music – November 2022 Wrap

November unfolded into one of the busiest months of the year. From releasing lots of new music to participating in NaNoWriMo and more, every day had something going on. I’m going to need December to recharge from the fantastic wildness of November, but before I hibernate for a while, I’m going to share all the…

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My Magical Moment on Bubba Show on 100.7 STAR Pittsburgh

Demi Michelle by Her Piano after Bubba Show

I can’t put into words how blessed and grateful I feel. One of my biggest dreams came true today. I had the absolute honor of being invited to be the very first artist for the Bubba Show Live and Local Music Spotlight on 100.7 STAR Pittsburgh. I’ll never forget this moment. Being on Bubba Show…

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