Celebrating Another Trip Around the Sun on a High Note – May 2024 Wrap

May was unreal, seriously. I wrapped up being twenty six in literally the best way. I got tons of gifts this month in the forms of music award recognition, an anthology acceptance, interviews, and more. I’m beyond delighted to share the highlights.

Music Awards News

In May, I won three music awards, became a finalist for five, and received nominations for two. I can’t believe I just wrote that sentence.

First, imagine my total surprise when I found out I won not one, not two, but three Rampage Music Awards. I couldn’t believe it. I received awards for Best New Artist, Best Acoustic Song for “Fantasy,” and Best Folk Song for “Fantasy.” I’m sending the biggest thank you to the awards and everyone who voted for me. Let’s just say I squealed when I got my trophies in the mail. I love the elephants on them!

Demi Michelle smiling and holding her three Rampage Music Awards

Next, I became a finalist in five categories for the ISSA Awards. I’m so honored and lucky to be up for USA Female Vocalist of the Year, Rising Star, Single of the Year for “Kind Heart,” Emerging Artist, and Radio Station/Podcast of the Year for Write on Track. After winning USA Female Album of the Year for It Is What It Is last year, being a finalist again means the world to me. My Butterflies definitely showed up and voted. I wrote all about becoming a finalist for the second year in a row in this blog post.

Demi Michelle 2024 ISSA Awards Finalist Graphic

Also, I’m beyond excited to perform at the ISSA Awards after party. This is going to be so much fun. I’m counting down the days until another fabulous weekend in Atlanta.

Demi Michelle 2024 ISSA Awards After Party Graphic

The music awards magic continued when I received two nominations for the 10th Annual Josie Music Awards. This is my third year in a row as a nominee, which is so wild to me. I’m so grateful to be up for Musician of the Year (Piano/Keyboard) and Media Company of the Year (Podcast/Radio Show) for Write on Track. This year, there were over 75,000 submissions and only 3 percent received nominations. So, it goes without saying this is a massive accomplishment. Thank you so much to the JMAs for this recognition.

When I started my songwriting journey, I never dreamed I would receive music award nominations, let alone win any. No matter what happens at the ISSA Awards and Josie Music Awards, I’m so blessed to be recognized for my music and can’t wait to keep chasing my songwriting dreams.

“Passive Aggressive” Is Out

On May 17, I released “Passive Aggressive,” my super fierce and sassy pop-rock song. I wrote this one last May, and I couldn’t be more excited that it’s finally out. “Passive Aggressive” is the second single off of my upcoming album, Hear Me Out, and it’s definitely one of my favorite songs I’ve ever written.

You can download and stream “Passive Aggressive” on the major music platforms here.

Passive Aggressive Cover Art

I’m so glad I filmed while recording “Passive Aggressive” because the footage turned into one of my favorite studio vlogs ever. I hope you enjoy watching this song come to life.

I have never written anything like “Passive Aggressive” before, and gosh, I love this song. I hope you do, too.

The May Interviews

I truly love doing interviews so much. Lately, I’ve been getting asked about my adventures as a songwriter, author, and podcaster, which means a lot to me.

First, I did a live radio interview on the Tim Kelly Show on KICR Indie Country Radio on “Passive Aggressive” release day. This was my second time being a guest on the show, and I had a total blast. Live interviews used to make me so nervous, but now, I have so much fun. If you would like to listen to my interview, here is the link to the full show on Spotify. My interview starts about a half hour into the show.

Second, I’m so lucky I got to do an interview on Shadow’s Lair Live. Blazy and I chatted about all things music, publishing, podcasts, butterflies, and more. The audio from the interview is available on the podcast platforms, and you can watch the video on YouTube. I seriously had so much fun on the show.

Demi Michelle Shadow’s Lair Live Interview Graphic

Third, I had the honor of being interviewed on the Someone You Should Know Podcast a couple months ago. I was so excited when my episode dropped this month. During my interview, Rik and I chatted about my various creative journeys and laughed a lot. This one is so entertaining, and you can listen on all the podcast platforms, including Spotify. This one was definitely a favorite.

I can’t thank Tim, Blazy, and Rik enough for featuring me on their shows this month. I love all three of these interviews so much and feel beyond grateful I got to share my story on such wonderful platforms.

Publishing Industry Updates

Flipping the page to the publishing world, I have some updates to share.

First, I’m still freaking out over receiving my third anthology acceptance of the year. I can’t share specifics right now, since I’m still in the contract stage, but I will have more news soon. Let’s just say I love this short story so much and would have felt crushed if it didn’t get selected. When I got the email, I totally flipped out. I seriously can’t believe I started the year with a goal to submit to anthologies, and five months later, I have received three acceptances. This is truly wild.

Next, I’m excited to share that I finished revisions for my second YA fantasy, the one I drafted during NaNoWriMo last year. I love this book so much, and now, it’s with my agent. I hope she loves it, too. While I’m waiting to hear her thoughts, I’m going to start revising my YA speculative thriller in June. I haven’t even looked at this story since October, so I’m eager to return to it next month.

I’m still on submission. Being in the sub trenches is giving me not-so-pleasant flashbacks to querying, but I’m so lucky to have the best agent in my corner and my other manuscripts to keep me distracted. I know my editor is out there. I just have to be patient. The day I get my book deal, I’ll look back and think how all the waiting was worth it.

I’ve also been busy with Amethyst Ink Editorial, Literary Blend, and my internship with Wild Ink Publishing. This year has opened so many publishing doors for me, and I have been enjoying every moment.

This Butterfly Is Twenty Seven

Celebrating my birthday this year was super special. Reflecting back, twenty six brought me some of my most magical moments. I won four music awards, signed with my agent, received three anthology acceptances, got added to my middle school’s Wall of Fame, landed on the cover of my local newspaper, launched my publishing podcast, took the leap into freelance editing, and so much more. I definitely have a lot to be grateful for.

And yes, I’m also grateful for this delicious cake.

Demi smiling with her 27th birthday cake

Thank you to the International Singer Songwriters Association for this lovely graphic. I’m so excited to see everyone in Atlanta this summer.

Demi Michelle ISSA Happy Birthday Graphic

Also, I’m sending the most heartfelt thank you to every single person who wished me a happy birthday. From calls and texts to tons of social media notifications, I truly felt the love. I’m ready to see what twenty seven has in store for me.

So, that’s a wrap on my May highlights. This month has left me feeling so lucky and grateful. I’m glad I took the time to reflect and celebrate. Writing my monthly wraps brings me so much joy. Here’s to more magic in June!