Celebrating Another Trip Around the Sun on a High Note – May 2024 Wrap

May was unreal, seriously. I wrapped up being twenty six in literally the best way. I got tons of gifts this month in the forms of music award recognition, an anthology acceptance, interviews, and more. I’m beyond delighted to share the highlights. Music Awards News In May, I won three music awards, became a finalist…

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Wild and Wonderful Milestones – April 2024 Wrap

Wow, April was a wild month. From my first magazine cover to publishing industry milestones, so many incredible things happened all at once. I’m beyond excited to share some fabulous highlights. My First Magazine Cover Who is the cover girl for the spring edition of Heart of Indie Magazine? This Butterfly! When Eddie told me…

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Embarking on New Adventures – March 2024 Wrap

Wow, March was truly a month of embarking on new adventures. From launching Literary Blend and Amethyst Ink Editorial to landing a massive performance spot and recording new music, I’m excited to share my March highlights. My First Studio Day of 2024 On March 2, I returned to my second home, the Vault Recording Studio,…

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“Kind Heart,” Interviews, and Evolution – February 2024 Wrap

February was such a fun month full of music and author memories. From releasing “Kind Heart” to doing interviews, I’m excited to share this month’s highlights. The Hear Me Out Chapter Begins With “Kind Heart” I’m beyond delighted “Kind Heart,” the lead single off Hear Me Out, is finally yours. This is one of my…

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An Adventurous Start to the Year – January 2024 Wrap

The first month of 2024 is in the books, and wow, I can’t believe how many exciting things happened. So much is coming together at once. From receiving nominations for music awards to starting another revision of my manuscript to get it polished for submission soon, I’m beyond eager to unveil all my January highlights.…

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Celebrating My Marvelous 2023

Another year has come and gone. Looking back, 2023 unfolded into a year packed with milestones and special memories. I’ve evolved as a songwriter, recording artist, author, and podcast host, and most of all, I’ve grown as a person along the way. Before I begin my 2024 chapter, I’m going to spotlight my highlights and…

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A Festive and Fun End to the Year – December 2023 Wrap

Wow, what an end to 2023! December was packed with Christmas memories and lots of music and author highlights. I can’t wait to unveil my festive and fun month to tie the bow on a magical year. Being Added to the Wall of Fame in My Middle School This month, I had one of the…

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My Tinsel Heart Is Full – November 2023 Wrap

Wow, November couldn’t have gone more perfectly. From signing with my literary agent and drafting a new book for NaNoWriMo to releasing my fourth original Christmas single, this month has left me feeling beyond happy and hopeful for what’s to come for both my songwriting and publishing journeys. Becoming an Agented Author My author dreams…

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Winning NaNoWriMo for the Second Year in a Row

This November, I took the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) challenge for the second year in a row. I’m over the moon to share that I reached my goal of writing the entire first draft of my new young adult fantasy. After typing away for thirty days straight, I finished my draft at 72,766 words.…

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How I Got My Agent

Demi Michelle Schwartz Author Graphic Young Adult Fantasy and Thriller Author Represented by Michelle Jackson at LCS Literary

Well, Butterflies, my literary dreams are starting to come true. I’m now an agented author! My journey to literary representation was a trip to the depths of Tartarus to say the least, but I’m so lucky to have survived the query trenches. Was the adventure worth it? In hindsight, yes. That doesn’t erase the struggles,…

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