My Songwriting Journey is Blooming – April 2021 Wrap

April was truly incredible. After all the LA magic in March, I didn’t think April could be nearly as amazing. Well, I was in for a nice surprise. Reflecting back on April, I’m even more grateful for the love and support I’m receiving from around the world. Here are the highlights.

“LA Will Wait for Me” Acoustic

First, to celebrate the success of “LA Will Wait for Me,” I decided to share a live acoustic version of the song. You can watch it below!

Watch the “LA Will Wait for Me” live acoustic video.

The April Interviews

Two of my latest interviews were released in April. The first one is my interview with Alpha Sessions. I had the most fun chatting with Ron about my music and songwriting. You can watch the interview below.

Watch my interview with Alpha Sessions.

Second, I was so beyond ecstatic when Des from the Music Marketing Academy asked me to be a guest on his podcast. Now, let me tell you that two years ago, I knew absolutely nothing about music marketing or networking. I never thought I’d end up talking about it on a podcast. Thanks to Des, I learned so many valuable music marketing tips that helped me a great deal over the past month and a half. Des invited me on the podcast to talk about the power of Twitter lists and how I was able to land interviews, radio airplay, and more from using them. You can listen to the interview on Spotify here. It’s also available on all other podcast platforms.

LA Airplay

During April, LA got more airplay. First, I’m so beyond grateful for Paul Miles and the listeners of the Beach Radio. The song kept getting requested and was played every Saturday on the Unsigned Show. Also, I shared my upcoming single, “Will I Ever,” with Paul, and he almost aired it by accident way before release day. I laughed so hard when I heard! In May, I’ll be doing an interview with Paul, which I’m really looking forward to. He’s been so supportive, and tuning into the Unsigned Show has become part of my Saturday nights.

Also, LA got played during other fabulous shows. It aired on the SW20 Country Music Show on SW20 Radio, Country Chat with Dom on UK Country Radio, Simply Country on Ridge Radio, New Country Sunday Night on MJM Strategies Radio, Folk and Indie Belles on Belter Radio, and Steve Garnett’s New Music Radio Show and Steve Garnett’s Indie Afternoon on Revival Radio.

Artist of the Week on Radio New Wheels in the Netherlands

Soon after LA released, I was contacted about being the artist of the week on Radio New Wheels for the week starting on April 17. The station is based in the Netherlands. How cool is that? LA played three times a day, and I was told that hundreds of listeners sent in messages about the song. I’m so grateful for this opportunity. Radio New Wheels will always be the first station to make me artist of the week.

LA Entered the New Music Top 40 Chart on Revival Radio at Number 5

I can’t wrap my head around the fact that LA charted for the first time! Steve played LA on the New Music Radio Show and Indie Afternoon throughout the week. It was so cool to be played multiple times, but I had no idea it would get even cooler.

On Sunday April 25, I woke up to a tweet that LA was a new entry on the top 40 chart on Revival Radio. I can honestly say I was completely shocked. I hurried to turn on the station to listen. Song after song, Steve counted down. I sat there, completely stunned that LA charted in the first place, let alone that it was somewhere pretty high up on the chart. Once Steve reached the top 10, I couldn’t think straight. I was texting my co-writer, Madison, the whole time. We were freaking out. Then, I couldn’t believe my ears when LA was announced as the highest new entry at number 5. I can’t put into words how grateful I am for everyone over in the UK for showing me so much love and support. This was hands down the wildest thing that happened yet. I’m still totally mind-blown.

LA is Approaching 10,000 streams on Spotify

At the end of April, LA passed 9,000 streams on Spotify. This is completely insane, and I can’t believe it. Every day when I checked the stream count and saw it’d climbed, I felt a rush of happiness. At this rate, the song will hit 10,000 in May! You can stream “LA Will Wait for Me” on Spotify here.

The Songwriting Academy’s 5 Day Songwriting Bootcamp

Back in February, I participated in the Kickstart Your Songwriting 555 Challenge with the Songwriting Academy. You can read all about my experience in this blog post.

During the last week of April, I took part in a 5 day intensive songwriting bootcamp. It ran from 9am to around 4pm every day. I had the absolute best time ever. Each day was full of incredible information and activities. During the week, I got to co-write with others in the bootcamp and even interact with the Songwriting Academy’s fabulous faculty of hit songwriters. From lyric and melody writing to networking advice and beyond, I took so much away from the week. I can’t wait to use all the new tips and tricks I learned in my songwriting. I’m so grateful for Martin Sutton and the other mentors for having hearts of gold and caring so much about encouraging other songwriters to follow their dreams. I came out of the bootcamp feeling more ready than ever to chase my dreams.

Andrea Stolpe’s Alumni Retreat

While I was doing the Songwriting Academy’s bootcamp, I also participated in Andrea Stolpe’s alumni retreat. I did a virtual retreat with Andrea last August, and I’ll be going to Nashville in November for her in-person retreat. On the weekends surrounding the bootcamp, I had another incredible experience.

During the retreat, I wrote with two collaborators, and we got the opportunity to pitch our song to a Nashville and Los Angeles publisher. I’ve never experienced anything like this in my life, and the whole experience was so enlightening and unforgettable. Aside from co-writing with incredible songwriters, getting advice from a hit songwriter and producer, and pitching to publishers, I’m most grateful for Andrea’s continued support and passion for what she does. I’m so lucky to have Andrea to look up to. I’ve learned so much from her, and I can’t wait to meet her in Nashville.

So, that’s what went down in April. I’m forever thankful for every opportunity I was given this month. May is “Will I Ever” release month! I’m bursting with excitement. This is only the beginning, and I’m looking forward to what’s to come.