Round Two of the ISSA Awards in Atlanta

Wow, what a fun weekend! I had a blast in Atlanta for the 2024 ISSA Awards. Last year was my first time attending, and you can read all about my trip in this blog post. Even though I didn’t win another crystal this year, I was a finalist in five categories. I’m excited to tell…

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My Nominations for the 10th Annual Josie Music Awards

I’m beyond excited to share that I have received three nominations for the 10th Annual Josie Music Awards. This is my third year in a row as a nominee, and since there were over 75,000 submissions this year and only 3 percent got nominations, I’m truly blown away by the fact that I’m up for…

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2024 ISSA Awards Finalist

This butterfly is a finalist for the 2024 ISSA Awards in five categories! I’m beyond grateful to be a finalist for the second year in a row. This year, there were 60,000 votes, which quite literally blows my mind. My Butterflies definitely showed up in April because I wouldn’t have made it into five categories…

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Round Two of the Josie Music Awards in Nashville

My third trip to Nashville for the 9th Annual Josie Music Awards was a fabulous one. From seeing friends to attending the awards at the Grand Ole Opry House, I made memories that’ll last a lifetime. Back to Broadway On October 21, I flew to Nashville with my parents super early. Here’s me on the…

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My Unforgettable Trip to Atlanta for the 2023 ISSA Awards

Wow, I’m officially an award-winning songwriter! Okay, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me go back to the beginning. In January, I submitted for the 2023 ISSA Awards and received six nominations. In April, all my amazing Butterflies voted, and I became a finalist in five categories. Once the finalists were announced in May, I…

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My Nominations for the 9th Annual Josie Music Awards

Since I got a special letter in the mail today, I thought it was the perfect time to finally share some exciting news. I’m beyond grateful to announce I’m nominated for three categories at the 9th Annual Josie Music Awards. That’s one more than last year! The Josie Music Awards in 2022 was my first…

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2023 ISSA Awards Finalist

Wow, where do I even start? I’m a finalist for the 2023 International Singer Songwriters Association Awards in five categories! After receiving nominations in six categories at the beginning of April, the poll stayed open until April 30 at midnight. This first round was all about voting. The fact that I got enough votes to…

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The Most Wonderful Weekend in Nashville for the Josie Music Awards

I’m still on cloud nine from my wonderful weekend in Nashville. I made so many memories and attended the 8th Annual Josie Music Awards. This was one of the most special trips of my life, full of adventures and amazing moments. I’m beyond excited to share the highlights from my unforgettable weekend in Music City.…

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My Nominations for the 8th Annual Josie Music Awards

Wow, I can’t put into words how truly honored and grateful I feel. I’m officially a Josie Music Awards nominee! There were 52,442 submissions for the 8th Annual Josie Music Awards, and only 1.8 percent of the submissions received a nomination. I seriously can’t believe I’m included in that tiny percentage. As if getting nominated…

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