Round Two of the ISSA Awards in Atlanta

Wow, what a fun weekend! I had a blast in Atlanta for the 2024 ISSA Awards.

Last year was my first time attending, and you can read all about my trip in this blog post. Even though I didn’t win another crystal this year, I was a finalist in five categories.

Demi Michelle 2024 ISSA Awards Finalist Graphic

I’m excited to tell you all about my fantastic weekend.

Traveling to Atlanta

On August 23, which was also the day my sophomore album, Hear Me Out, was released, my parents and I drove from Pittsburgh to Atlanta. Since I would be performing at the after party, I didn’t want to risk something happening to my guitar on the plane because I’ve heard horror stories. So, we went on a roadtrip. I didn’t mind at all, though. Long car rides are the best for getting a lot of freelance editing work done, and I finished a client’s manuscript between the drive down and back to Pittsburgh.

We arrived just in time for the pre-party at Wild Wing Cafe. It was fabulous to be back.

Demi Michelle at Wild Wing Cafe for the pre-party and wearing a butterfly dress

After having dinner and hanging out for a while, I returned to the hotel and went to sleep early, since I had to be up with the rising sun the next morning to get ready for the awards.

The Morning of the ISSA Awards

August 24 was the big day, and I woke up feeling super excited for the awards and after party. I started my morning by rehearsing the songs I would play that night.

Once I grabbed breakfast at the hotel, I went to Aura Hair & Makeup, just like last year. I can’t thank Madde enough for helping me get ready. She did a perfect job on my hair and makeup. I especially loved the sparkly diamonds she put in my braid that I brought with me. While I was at the salon, I felt the buzz of excitement and building anticipation for the awards.

Before heading to the Sandy Springs Performing Arts Center, I took some photos at the hotel. I even got one by some butterflies!

Demi Michelle in the hotel by butterflies and wearing a purple dress

Here’s one by the fireplace.

Demi Michelle by the fireplace in the hotel and wearing a purple dress

After that, it was time for the red carpet.

The ISSA Awards Red Carpet

I seriously love attending red carpet events. This was my fourth one, and it was just as fun and surreal as the first.

Huge thank you to Tom Martinelli for taking my professional photo. I definitely felt pretty in purple.

Demi Michelle is wearing her purple dress on the red carpet, and her hair is braided with tiny diamonds

Red carpets aren’t complete without interviews. I had a blast chatting with Unique Beats.

Demi Michelle doing an interview on the red carpet

A highlight of the event was meeting two of my songwriter friends for the first time in person. Here is me and Amber Nadine.

Demi Michelle and Amber Nadine at the awards

And here is me and Chelsea Rae.

Demi Michelle and Chelsea Rae at the awards

I’m seriously so glad I got to meet both Amber and Chelsea. They are gems, and I’m lucky to know them.

I also have to thank my Uncle Marc for traveling to attend the awards again this year.

Demi Michelle and her Uncle Marc on the red carpet

After all the fun at the red carpet event, it was time for the awards show.

The ISSA Awards Show

I enjoyed every second of the awards. The performances were amazing, and so many talented artists received well-deserved crystals. Even though I didn’t win this time around, I’m grateful to have been a finalist in five categories and loved being in the audience to celebrate my peers in the independent music scene.

Taking the Stage at the After Party

The top highlight of my weekend was performing at the after party. This was one of the coolest experiences of my life. I played “Passive Aggressive” and “Halfway Outta This Town.”

Shoutout to my mom for filming my whole performance. I hope you enjoy watching it.

I was all smiles with my guitar after performing.

Demi Michelle smiling with her guitar in Wild Wing Cafe and wearing a butterfly dress

Also, I met Phil Kranz at the party. He is a fantastic radio presenter and invited me to send music and do an interview on his show. I’m so glad he enjoyed my performance, and I’m beyond honored he offered me a spot on his platform.

Huge thank you to Tamanie and the whole ISSA team for giving me the opportunity to play at the after party and for making this weekend one to remember.

I put together a slideshow with all my pictures from my trip. I hope you love it.

So, that’s a wrap. Round two of the ISSA Awards is in the books. From meeting friends at the red carpet event to playing at the after party, I had a fabulous time in Atlanta. I’m forever grateful for the memories.