My Metamorphosis – One Year of Dear Diary
My debut album, Dear Diary, turns a year old today. I truly can’t believe that a whole year has passed since I released this project. Dear Diary will always be a piece of my heart, and I’m so grateful for every opportunity this album gave me. A lot has happened over the past year, so I wanted to share my metamorphosis since releasing Dear Diary.
A Butterfly at Heart
When I wrote “Will I Ever” and the lyrics, “I fall for dreams, trust butterflies, keep counting my clouds, but they don’t add to nine,” I never dreamed that butterflies would become such a special part of my life. Butterflies aren’t only a symbol of mine as an artist. They’ve become extremely meaningful to me as a person. I feel like I’ve experienced my own metamorphosis since writing, recording, and releasing Dear Diary, and the symbolism in butterflies has found its way into my heart.
The Beauty of Transformation
Butterflies have various meanings to me and my own journey, so I wanted to share these with you. First, as is quite obvious, butterflies are a symbol of transformation and rebirth. I can’t put into words how much I’ve changed since the release of Dear Diary. Writing and recording the album led me down a journey of self-discovery and healing. Sharing this album with the world felt like waking up after bad dreams. Since I was so open and honest in the songs, a weight that I had been carrying around for years got lifted off my shoulders. I became lighter. I realized that being vulnerable brought me closure. Most of all, I recognized that I had strength and confidence deep inside me.
It takes a lot of courage to wear my heart on my sleeve, and since releasing Dear Diary, I’ve evolved into a stronger person. I’m more sure of myself, both as a songwriter and human being. I found myself in many dark places while writing the songs for the album. I had emotional moments in the studio where I doubted I had what it takes to sing about such raw truths. Despite all that, I’ve found the light again. Like a butterfly, I was reborn into a stronger version of myself. I’m forever grateful for the transformation I experienced because I was able to heal from so much and open my heart to the future.
Accepting the Unknown and Trusting the Process
Accepting the unknown is something else I’ve grown to do since releasing Dear Diary. When a caterpillar begins its metamorphosis into a butterfly, it has no way of knowing what that transformation will be like or what exactly is in store for it. For me, this comes down to trusting the process. I’ve had one of the best years of my life because I accepted that I can’t fear the unknown. I can’t be afraid of change. I can’t remain in my comfort zone. Growth can be hard sometimes. I bet a caterpillar’s transformation isn’t easy. Yet, it becomes a beautiful butterfly, something more spectacular than its former self.
I’ve grown to not only trust myself and the special people around me but also trust what the future holds. There’s no point stressing over things out of my control or fighting against the current. Accepting the unknown and going with the flow has opened many doors for me both on a personal and professional level, and I’m glad that Dear Diary has helped me develop this mindset.
Holding Tight to Hope
Butterflies also symbolize hope. This is a huge one for me. Sometimes, it’s hard to remain hopeful when things get rough. Even though I’ve gone through my own metamorphosis, I still experience difficult emotions from time to time and always will. Still, the difference now is that I look for the silver linings. I hold on to hope and the belief that the sun will rise again.
Before releasing Dear Diary, it was hard for me to search for the light in the darkness. Now, butterflies are a constant reminder to me that I’ll always have hope. I’m in such a better place because I remain hopeful and recognize that all my storms will blow over. Hope has become a fire that burns in my heart. Sometimes, it fades, but it never fully burns away.
The Journey to Freedom
Last but certainly not least, butterflies symbolize freedom. My quote for my debut chapter is “Spread your wings and dream.” I’ve been spreading my wings and dreaming ever since Dear Diary. I can’t express how incredible it is to soar and feel light as air. Sharing my story and going through my metamorphosis has led me to feel so free. I’m not tied down by my past anymore. The dark emotions I felt during the creation of Dear Diary have faded.
Since I’m more sure of myself, I feel more in control of my life. I have the ability to create the music I want to create, do what I want to do, and most importantly, be who I want to be. Confidence is powerful, and I’m blessed that I found it. It feels truly magical to embrace freedom and spread my wings. Butterflies soar high in the sky, and in my own way, so do I.

This first year of Dear Diary has changed me in many ways. Metamorphosis is a journey, and I’ll continue to grow for the rest of my life. Butterflies will always be a symbol of my brand and special to me on a personal level, and I’m grateful that Dear Diary brought about my own metamorphosis.
I want to thank all my Butterflies so much for the endless love and support you’ve shown me since I started my songwriting journey and especially since releasing Dear Diary. Thank you for embracing my debut album and listening to my story. No matter how many records I release into the world, Dear Diary will always be my first, and I couldn’t be more proud of this project.
Always remember to spread your wings and dream. Embrace your own metamorphosis. Hold on to hope during the hard times. Trust the process and don’t be afraid of the unknown. Allow yourself to feel free and be authentically and unapologetically you.
You can download and stream Dear Diary on all platforms here.
If you’d like to explore the entries of Dear Diary in a special way, check out this blog post.
Thank you so much again for all the love. You truly know how to make this butterfly happy. Here’s to many more years of Dear Diary and embracing the butterfly in me.