How I Got My Agent

Demi Michelle Schwartz Author Graphic Young Adult Fantasy and Thriller Author Represented by Michelle Jackson at LCS Literary

Well, Butterflies, my literary dreams are starting to come true. I’m now an agented author! My journey to literary representation was a trip to the depths of Tartarus to say the least, but I’m so lucky to have survived the query trenches. Was the adventure worth it? In hindsight, yes. That doesn’t erase the struggles,…

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My Experience from the Story Academy with Bethany Hensel

As an author, I fully believe there’s always room to learn and grow. I graduated from my MFA in Writing Popular Fiction program a year ago, but I’m still finding ways to further my education. I’ve attended conferences, workshops, and courses, and the Story Academy with editor Bethany Hensel was my favorite writing investment since…

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National Novel Writing Month – My NaNoWriMo 2022 Journey

Demi with her NaNoWriMo cake

This November, I did the NaNoWriMo challenge for the first time. It was hands down one of the most wild experiences of my life. NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, occurs in November every year, and writers from all around the world take the challenge to write 50,000 words during the month.  Of course, because…

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The Magic of Researching for a New Novel

I love when I get new novel ideas. As a writer, a bunch of ideas bounce around in my head all the time, but when a golden thread presents itself, I grab hold and won’t let go.  I’ve decided to participate in NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month, in November. Since I got a golden…

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My Kansas City Writing Workshop Experience

I’ve always wanted to attend a writing conference, and I got to do just that over the weekend. The virtual Kansas City Writing Workshop exceeded all of my expectations, and it was the best first conference experience. I had such a blast, so I wanted to share the highlights and some of my favorite moments…

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My Bookshelf – All-Time Favorite Books

I’m beyond excited to dive headfirst into my author journey, and I thought it’d be fun to share my all-time favorite books. I love, love, love to read, and even though I gravitate to Young Adult Mysteries and Thrillers, I have favorite books in many genres of popular fiction. As an author myself, I believe…

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